Friday, December 14, 2012


Hello, and welcome! This is a blog dedicated to Tim Burton and all of his accomplishments. Tim Burton is the director of many unforgettable movies such as Batman, Alice in Wonderland and Planet of the Apes. Throughout the blog you will be able to learn a little more about Tim Burton himself, but most importantly how over the years he has managed to create such a big impact on people's lives. With the help of a Burton Tetrad, Artifacts, and report, you will learn why Tim Burton and his movies are a pop culture moment that will last for generations and generations to come. 

Burton Tetrad


  •         Tim Burton has a style in his movie making that is dark and strange, unlike no other.  His unusual and bizarre approach to the movie industry makes the audience have an unforgettable experience while watching his films.
  •         Burton’s personality can only be described as weird, wacky and unusual. He is not your typical popular and social able director. He is often recognized of somewhat of a loner and very unsocial. Being so talented, Burton fights the social norms of being popular and likable  The audience finds this fascinating and enjoys Burton’s productions even more.

  •       Burton's had many experience in school as a child that have scarred him forever, in films, he is able to portray all of his fears and experiences in a way that an audience can understand. This way, the audience is not only watching a film, but reliving the difficult experience along with the director.

  •         Tim Burton is a person with ideas and concepts that will continue to be used and learned from throughout many years and generations to come. He teaches life values that can be applied at any point of someone’s life, even when the event/movie is finished.
  •                As people have gone through the concepts of Enhancement and retrieval and have discovered all of the great experiences and moments they can relive and learn about, they will want to repeat it again. This creates a continuous cycle that carries from generation to generation.
  •         When a person is done either learning about Tim Burton or watching his movies, it is very likely that they will introduce it to someone else for them to have the same experience.


  •            Tim Burton takes his fans back to old childhood memories, with his creativity and simplicity, through his films Tim Burton helps his audience escape the problematic world they live in even if it’s just for a small period of time and maybe even help them realize that life should be seen simply and that originality is the most important aspect.

  •         Fans not only of his movies but other aspects of his career like art and drawings can retrieve or learn from this artwork the fact that it is okay to think outside the box.   As people grow up, they tend to start to get so caught up in their life and have this perfect idea of how things should be that they forget about the aspects of their life that really matter. Burton helps adults re-create a sense of imagination and that having a different perspective on things is perfectly fine.

  •            In production like Batman, it helps the audience remember of how fun it was to play with action figures or even dress up as one. Tim Burton is able to get people back into the mentality that anything is possible, that they can save the world.




  •            Tim Burton has established a certain way of making his movies; he follows the same pattern of dark and strange. It’s his pattern in productions that make him memorable and distinguished among others.

  •            Tim Burton has accustomed his fans to expect the unexpected. Burton’s movies show the diverse genres he is able to go into and successfully do so. Fans keep on going to his latest films because Burton has, from the very beginning identified who he is as a director; and the audience loves it.

  •         It is because of Burton’s different way of expressing himself and releasing his unique movies that he has gained all of the respect and will continue to do so throughout the years.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Artifacts- Clothing #1


This first artifact is a collage of different clothing items that are sold either a stores or online to Tim Burton’s Fans about various successful movies that he directed. As seen above, there is a large variety of clothing items that can be bought to show support and love for Burtons movies. Most importantly, when a person wears a shirt that either has an image of Batman, The Joker or Tim Burton himself, it is making a statement to the rest of the world. In wearing a shirt with Tim Burton on it, it immediately becomes the message. It is making a statement about the person wearing it, making it clear that they agree with Tim Burton’s ideologies and wonderful creations. Not only does will this shirt make a statement about the producer, but also to the consumer. A person walking by and seeing someone wearing a Tim Burton shirt, it might get them interested in the person or character. The consumer is sending a message with the shirt they are wearing and it is up to the consumer to identify if they will accept it and let it affect them and become a part of their life or if it is irrelevant. As this cycle continues, clothing and shirts will create a bigger and bigger fan base for Tim Burton; this artifact is essentially a form of advertising.

News Article #2

Tim Burton, at Home in His Own Head

Mr. Burton with accessories at his home in London, including a picture of the actor Larry Hagman. ("Don't ask. I have weird references.") More Photos »
Published: September 19, 2012

IT would be a tremendous disappointment if Tim Burton’s inner sanctum turned out to be a sterile environment, barren except for a telephone on its cold white floor; or a cubicle with a “World’s Greatest Dad” coffee mug. Instead, the workplace of the filmmaker behind invitingly grim delights like “Beetlejuice” and “Edward Scissorhands” is a definitive Burtonesque experience: on a hill here in north London, behind a brick wall and a mournful tree, in a Victorian residence that once belonged to the children’s book illustrator Arthur Rackham, it lies at the top of a winding staircase guarded by the imposing portraits of Boris Karloff and Christopher Lee. Its décor is best characterized as Modern Nonconformist (unless Ultraman toys and models of skeletal warriors are your thing), and when the master of the house greets you, his drinking glass will bear a poster image for “The Curse of Frankenstein.”
That the word Burtonesque has become part of the cultural lexicon hints at the surprising influence Mr. Burton, 54, has accumulated in a directorial career that spans 16 features and nearly 30 years. Across films as disparate as“Ed Wood,” “Alice in Wonderland” and “Big Fish” — released to varying critical and commercial receptions — he has developed a singular if not easily pinned-down sensibility. His style is strongly visual, darkly comic and morbidly fixated, but it is rooted just as much in his affection for monsters and misfits (which in his movies often turn out to be the same thing). He all but invented the vocabulary of the modern superhero movie (with “Batman"), brought new vitality to stop-motion animation (with “Corpse Bride,” directed with Mike Johnson, and“The Nightmare Before Christmas,” which Mr. Burton produced) and has come to be associated, for better or worse, with anything that is ghoulish or ghastly without being inaccessible. He may be the most widely embraced loner in contemporary cinema.
His success has also transported him from sleepy, suburban Southern California, where he grew up and graduated from the California Institute of the Arts, to London, where he lives with his partner, the actress Helena Bonham Carter, and their two young children, and where he has come to embrace the sensation of being perpetually out of place.
“I just feel like a foreigner,” Mr. Burton said in his cheerful, elliptical manner. “Feeling that weird foreign quality just makes you feel more, strangely, at home.”
On a recent morning Mr. Burton, dressed entirely in black, was talking about his new animated feature, “Frankenweenie,” which will be released by Walt Disney on Oct. 5., and which tells the charming story of a young boy (named Victor Frankenstein) who reanimates the corpse of his dead pet dog.
Like its director “Frankenweenie” is simultaneously modern and retrograde: the film, which is being released in 3-D black-and-white, is adapted from a live-action short that Mr. Burton made for Disney in 1984, when he was a struggling animator. That project did not get the wide release Mr. Burton hoped for, but it paved the way for him to direct his first feature, “Pee-wee’s Big Adventure,” the following year.
As he spoke (and occasionally shaped his feral, curly hair into something resembling satyr horns), Mr. Burton was in a nostalgic mood but also a defiant one. That may have been the result of the tepid reception that greeted “Dark Shadows,” his big-budget remake of the TV soap opera (which Mr. Burton said did not disappoint him), or a reluctance to analyze trends in his career. Whether he was talking about his upbringing in Burbank, his earliest frustration at Disney or the unexpected honor of a career retrospective presented at the Museum of Modern Art and other institutions, Mr. Burton still casts himself as an outsider.
“Wanting people to like you is nice, but I’m confident that there’s always going to be lots that don’t,” Mr. Burton said with gallows humor and genuine pride. “I’ll always be able to hang on to that.” These are excerpts from this conversation.
The hero and his pet in Mr. Burton’s current feature “Frankenweenie,” based on the short.

This artifact is a news article about Tim Burton and his lifestyle at home in London.  The article makes a remark on his success using the movies he directed as examples. This article further explains the kind of environment Tim Burton lives in and what he is constantly surround by when he is at work and he is taking time off. The main idea that is emphasized is the idea that Burton feels at most times out of place, the feeling that he doesn't belong. The most important thing that is learned about Tim Burton in this news article is the fact that he has accepted the fact that not everyone is going to like him and I really believe that that mentality is the reason behind all of his success. 

Movie Posters #3

                This artifact is a collage of posters of all of the movies that Tim Burton has directed. These types of posters can be found in many public places like at the mall, on the street, billboards etc. In a sense, this is global village that allows any kind of person to retrieve this particular information about Tim Burton’s movies anywhere. This form of advertising is very commonly used because it is very effective.  People are subjected to a certain message of going to see one of Tim Burton’s movies without even realising it. Without people realising that they are receiving a message about starting to show interest about a specific movie or even going to see it, it starts creating a very big fan base either for a movie like Batman or Tim Burton himself. As mentioned before, this is an ongoing cycle that is always getting bigger and gaining more power. 

Movie Clip #4

  Movie Clip

This is a very unique artifact that I found on a blog dedicated to Tim Burton. The brief movie clip is made with really great graphics that creates a timeline from start to present of all of the movies Tim Burton has directed. This video is just one of the many that are found online either on YouTube or other blog sites. These videos are usually created to pay tribute to Tim Burton and it’s a way of people showing their appreciation and dedication. Out of the 5 artifacts that I listed, this is the most significant and the one that is able to summarize and promote what Tim Burton movies is all about.  By people watching these kinds of clips it allows them to receive the message about Tim Burton’s ideas.  We see the different genres and types of movie that he produces and we are able to make a quick decision on whether we like his style of work.  

Click on the link above to view the video

Artwork #5



* It is only necessary to watch up to around the 4 minute mark to understand my point.
                This artifact are different drawings and art work by Tim Burton, I also decided to incorporate a video of the director himself in a behind the scenes where he talks about his art, how it all started, and the meaning behind them.  Tim Burton is not only known as a director but for his weird and fascinating drawings.  The majority of his art is found online, more specifically in blogs that are dedicated to him and all of his accomplishments. With the internet being such a successful and knowing form of media, it is very easy to come across these drawings in blogs and research sites. The thing that has caused these drawings in being so memorable to the audience is the fact that well, they are not very good.  This art work is so different than what people are used to seeing that it grabs their attention. In the video we learn about how Tim Burton was never very good at drawing as a child but he continued because he saw it as a form of escape and a way to process his thoughts and what he was feeling.  The idea of a person person being normal or anything that has to do with the idea of  “normal” has always scared Tim Burton, and that is what has made him and this  artwork  so remembered and known.  


                                              Burton will remain forever 

         The society has evolved tremendously throughout the years, with different trends and styles becoming more and more popular. It’s a society that is always creating more ideas and constantly changing, but there are few moments and people that will go down in history as remarkable and unforgettable.  One of these prestigious people is Tim Burton. Being the director of many big time movies, he has the ability to send a message through his work like no other, which will make him and his productions famous and memorable in the media world for years and years to come. Tim Burton’s experiences, ideologies and unique character have all been the reasons behind the success he has today.

         The most significant concept about Tim Burton is his personality. What makes Tim Burton such a magnificent being is that he has always stayed true to himself and what he believes in. Often times, people enter in a person vs persona conflict where their persona becomes what they are trying to portray to other people. From being a child to an adult, Tim Burton has not let society change his values or who he really is. Tim Burton has managed to stay grounded, one of the hardest things do in today’s society that is constantly telling us how things should or should not be done.  Tim Burtons doesn’t have the problem of creating a persona because he truly does not care about what people think of him. “Wanting people to like you is nice, but I’m confident that there’s always going to be lots that don’t,” Mr. Burton said with gallows humor and genuine pride. “I’ll always be able to hang on to that.” He recently made this comment to the London press that were asking him about his lifestyle. Tim Burton has discovered the key to success which is accepting the fact that not everyone is going to like him, and that he will always receive negative comments and critiques. By Tim Burton staying true to himself, he has been able to show the world how talented and unordinary he can be. The result of this is astonishing productions like Batman and Alice in Wonderland. The thing that is most inspiring about Tim Burton is the fact that he did not create a persona even when he had the right reasons to do so. As a child, Burton was very misunderstood. He saw himself different than anybody else, often isolated from all of his classmates at school. Being misunderstood and feeling different than others is often the reason why people create a persona in order to fit in and be “cool”. However, Tim Burton loved the fact that he was a bizarre and as a child, he was able to express it through his art work. Through his art, he expresses his thoughts and it is where he was able to let his imagination run wild. It was through drawing that he started discovering his astounding talent. Burton is one of the few directors in the movie industry that has not allowed fame to change him. As a result, fans are able to see his creativity and uniqueness in his films. It’s the feeling that people get as they walk into a bizarre world while watching his films that will always make him a recognizable and truly remembered person in the world of media.

         Not only will Tim Burton’s qualities help him stay known in the media but also playing a very big role is how the audience interprets and accepts his work. In Tim Burton’s case, interaction with an audience is more than necessary in order for his message to be sent across; this is considered cool media. During the 1960’s Canadian Marshall McLuhan brought in the idea and importance of hot and cool media. Tim Burton as an icon and leading example in many different areas like movies and art would be considered part of cool media. In order to understand who he is and his movies, there has to be some sort of interaction. The 8 key concepts of media that fall under the category of cool media help to better explain how and why Tim Burton is such an important and long lasting figure in the world of media. For example, Tim Burton was able to construct a reality for society and many people. Much of our reality is based on media messages that have been pre constructed, so in a sense and too many people, Tim Burton has been able to construct many peoples reality. From the very beginning, Tim Burton has set out a specific message, with the interpretation and conclusion built in. His message is that it is not necessary to fit in or be popular in order to have success in any kind of business. Being different and unique is what is going to lead a person in the right path, as proof to his message he has the endless list of successful movies that he has directed over the course of his career. The most important part however, is the way the audience interprets his work and the meaning that they decide to give it. As individuals we manipulate Tim Burton’s work and manipulate in a way that will be useful to us and our own personal needs in our life. Many people can interpret his work in many different ways, some see it as a way to escape and return back to their childhood memories. Others understand his message as motivation in using imagination as a way to express who they are, and most importantly some use him as a way in accepting the fact that is perfectly fine in being a little weird and different. It is evident that there are many ways in which people can interpret Tim Burton, and it is the variety of ways that people can find meanings in Tim Burton that makes him so special. With having numerous amounts of interpretations, Burton makes it easy for a variety of people to connect with him and his work. This way, as a society, they will be able to pass on their interpretations of what Tim Burton is really all about to the next generations, which will ultimately make Burton a pop culture individual that will always be identified and remembered.

          Probably McLuhan’s most known and significant theory is “The medium is the message.” What McLuhan was able to discover is that the qualities of a medium have as much effect as the information it transmits. Tim Burton might have created many meaningful messages but they are useless unless there are multiple ways in which his messages can be seen or received. Thanks to many of Burtons successful productions, like Planet of the Apes, and Sleepy Hollow there have been millions of different mediums created to send his message. Some examples are t-shirts, posters promoting his movies, articles, trailers, interviews etc.  There are many ways in which Tim Burton’s work and message can be sent across, therefore, people in the future will find themselves coming across one of movies or directly with the producer himself. What makes Tim Burton so powerful is that he has become something more than a producer. Not only are their messages in his movies but behind the person he is as well. His difficulties growing up allowed him to create a character that is unlike no other. Also, along with this theory comes the idea that the message the medium presents can change a person’s lifestyle, and in the end, it is saying something about the person and who they are. Not only are the different forms of media helping send Burtons message across but it is also labeling the sender. Before this was seen as an idea of Mass media, where the sender gives information to a receiver and the cycle would repeat, but because of the way technology has evolved over the years, it has quickly changed. Now, tribes are formed to spread the idea of Tim Burton and what he has accomplished. For example, there are many blogs created dedicated to Tim Burton. On these blogs, many people are able to share their opinions and common interests in him. There are thousands of Burton dedicated fan blogs that are easily accessible and that can quickly inform new members to what Tim Burton is all about. It is safe to say that technology will make it extremely easy for people to become aware about Tim Burton and his fascinating work. 

        Tim Burton is a true inspiration that will be remembered for many years to come. With the help of Marshall McLuhan’s theories about media it is clear to see that his name will stay around for a very long time. Burton’s personality has set him apart from other directors and known celebrities, which gives him media staying power. Also, the fact that there are multiple ways in transmitting his message that is accepted by different kinds of people will make it very easy to learn about him and enter his fan base. Tim Burton is not only a great individual but he has produced some of the best movies in Hollywood history, he has everything going for him that will keep him acknowledged forever.


            Thank you for reading my blog about Tim Burton! I hope that you have been able to learn more about Tim Burton and maybe discover things you didn't about him before. As explained with artifacts, a Tetrad and a report, it is proven that Tim Burton will be a long lasting figure.