Friday, December 14, 2012

Burton Tetrad


  •         Tim Burton has a style in his movie making that is dark and strange, unlike no other.  His unusual and bizarre approach to the movie industry makes the audience have an unforgettable experience while watching his films.
  •         Burton’s personality can only be described as weird, wacky and unusual. He is not your typical popular and social able director. He is often recognized of somewhat of a loner and very unsocial. Being so talented, Burton fights the social norms of being popular and likable  The audience finds this fascinating and enjoys Burton’s productions even more.

  •       Burton's had many experience in school as a child that have scarred him forever, in films, he is able to portray all of his fears and experiences in a way that an audience can understand. This way, the audience is not only watching a film, but reliving the difficult experience along with the director.

  •         Tim Burton is a person with ideas and concepts that will continue to be used and learned from throughout many years and generations to come. He teaches life values that can be applied at any point of someone’s life, even when the event/movie is finished.
  •                As people have gone through the concepts of Enhancement and retrieval and have discovered all of the great experiences and moments they can relive and learn about, they will want to repeat it again. This creates a continuous cycle that carries from generation to generation.
  •         When a person is done either learning about Tim Burton or watching his movies, it is very likely that they will introduce it to someone else for them to have the same experience.


  •            Tim Burton takes his fans back to old childhood memories, with his creativity and simplicity, through his films Tim Burton helps his audience escape the problematic world they live in even if it’s just for a small period of time and maybe even help them realize that life should be seen simply and that originality is the most important aspect.

  •         Fans not only of his movies but other aspects of his career like art and drawings can retrieve or learn from this artwork the fact that it is okay to think outside the box.   As people grow up, they tend to start to get so caught up in their life and have this perfect idea of how things should be that they forget about the aspects of their life that really matter. Burton helps adults re-create a sense of imagination and that having a different perspective on things is perfectly fine.

  •            In production like Batman, it helps the audience remember of how fun it was to play with action figures or even dress up as one. Tim Burton is able to get people back into the mentality that anything is possible, that they can save the world.




  •            Tim Burton has established a certain way of making his movies; he follows the same pattern of dark and strange. It’s his pattern in productions that make him memorable and distinguished among others.

  •            Tim Burton has accustomed his fans to expect the unexpected. Burton’s movies show the diverse genres he is able to go into and successfully do so. Fans keep on going to his latest films because Burton has, from the very beginning identified who he is as a director; and the audience loves it.

  •         It is because of Burton’s different way of expressing himself and releasing his unique movies that he has gained all of the respect and will continue to do so throughout the years.

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